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Preparation and Performance Study of Ceramic Flat Separation Membranes
中文关键词:  陶瓷平板膜  氧化铝  水通量
英文关键词:Ceramic flat film  Aluminum oxide  Water flux
介志远,赵世凯,张久美,李亮,李洪达,李杰,李小勇,徐传伟,张珂珂,张子豪 山东工业陶瓷研究设计院有限公司山东 淄博255000 
摘要点击次数: 1134
全文下载次数: 1081
      This article used aluminum oxide plate with a sprayed transition layer as the membrane support, and used dynamic spraying method to prepare a separation membrane layer on it. The obtained samples were characterized by SEM, pore size analysis, and other methods. To explore the influence of different firing temperature, spraying weight increase and solid content of membrane slurry on the pore diameter, morphology and thickness of Ceramic membrane, and to obtain the best preparation conditions of Ceramic flat membrane. The results showed that when the sintering temperature was 1060℃, the solid content of the alumina membrane slurry was 35%, and the spray weight gain after calcination was between 0.4%~0.6%, the film thickness and morphology reached the optimal level. The pore size of the ceramic flat membrane was around 90nm, and the water flux was 0.3MMH.
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