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(1-x)KNNS―xBFANZ无铅压电陶瓷的 结构与性能的研究
Study on the Structure and Properties of (1-x)KNNS―xBFANZ Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics
中文关键词:  KNN基无铅压电陶瓷  微观结构  相结构  介电性能
英文关键词:KNN-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics  Microstructure  Phase structure  Rhombohedral and tetragonal coexistence
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(52072150); 山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目(ZR2022ZD39)。
王垂磊,侯立敏,郇宇 济南大学 材料科学与工程学院济南 250022 
摘要点击次数: 1489
全文下载次数: 1218
      铌酸钾钠基压电陶瓷因其具有优异的电学性能而被广大科研人员青睐,被认为是最有希望取代铅基陶瓷的无铅压电陶瓷之一。本文系统研究了Bi0.44Fe0.06Ag0.03Na0.47ZrO3对K0.48Na0.52Nb0.96Sb0.04O3陶瓷相结构、微观结构及电学性能的影响规律。研究表明:所有的陶瓷样品均为钙钛矿结构,且陶瓷处于菱方相和四方相两相共存状态;晶粒尺寸随掺杂组分含量的增加先增加后减少。通过优化相结构和微观结构,陶瓷获得了最优的电学性能:d33 = 322pC/N、kp = 41.34%、ɛr = 2441、tanδ = 0.036、 = 400 pm/V、Pr = 15.94 μC/cm2。
      Sodium potassium niobate-based piezoelectric ceramics have attracted much attention due to their excellent electrical properties, which has been considered to be one of the most promising lead-free piezoelectric ceramics to replace lead-based ceramics. In this work, the influence of doping Bi0.44Fe0.06Ag0.03Na0.47ZrO3 on the crystal structure, microstructure and electrical properties of K0.48Na0.52Nb0.96Sb0.04O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were investigated systematically. All the compositions exhibit a pure perovskite structure with rhombohedral and tetragonal coexistence. The grain size of ceramics first increases and then decreases with the increase of Bi0.44Fe0.06 Ag0.03Na0.47 ZrO3. Finally, the optimal electrical performances of d33 = 322pC/N, kp = 41.34%, ɛr = 2441, tanδ = 0.036, = 400pm/V, and Pr = 15.94μC/cm2 were obtained by optimizing the crystal and microstructure.
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