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Preparation and Sintering of Porous Silicon Nitride Ceramics Based on Melt Deposition Technology
中文关键词:  多孔氮化硅  复杂结构  熔融沉积  双重功能
英文关键词:Porous silicon nitride  Complex structure  Fused deposition  Dual function
王飞,李伶,宋涛,王营营,徐先豹,隋松林,韩卓群 山东工业陶瓷研究设计院有限公司山东 淄博255000 
摘要点击次数: 1221
全文下载次数: 1354
      The preparation of porous silicon nitride ceramics with complex structures by additive manufacturing have attracted much attention. However, due to the brittle and hard characteristics of the ceramic which can not be used directly for extrusion molding.Therefore, a method for feeding porous silicon nitride ceramics with dual functions are developed, including flow stability and high uniformity at high temperature, This methods are successfully solved the difficulty that ceramics cannot be directly applied to fused deposition modeling. The specific methods as follows: adding organic components such as paraffin and plastic to make the ceramic powder easy to heat into molten state with good fluidity. In addition, In order to improve the level of fusion, the ceramic powder is modified by adding surfactants and organic binders. The method successfully solves the difficulty that ceramics cannot be directly applied to fused deposition modeling. Furthermore the way is suitable for the preparation of a wide range of ceramic systems based on fused deposition technology. Finally, the mechanics, thermal and electrical properties of the sandwich structure ceramics are tested.
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