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Preparation and Properties of TaSi2-SiC High Emissivity Coating on Ceramic Fiber Fabric
中文关键词:  陶瓷纤维织物  高发射率涂层  TaSi2  力学性能
英文关键词:Ceramic fiber fabric  High emissivity coating  TaSi2  Mechanical property
高琪超,郭安然,杜海燕,刘家臣 天津大学材料科学与工程学院先进陶瓷与加工技术教育部重点实验室天津 300072 
摘要点击次数: 1282
全文下载次数: 952
      The infrared radiation ability of ceramic fiber flexible insulated mat was weak and the fibers was prone to crystallization failure when it was served at high temperature for a long time. To solve the above problems, a double-component TaSi2-SiC high emissivity coating was prepared on the surface of the flexible thermal insulation felt in order to improve its temperature resistance. Compared with the single-component SiC coating, the surface structure of double-component TaSi2-SiC coating at room temperature was continuous and uniform, and the introduction of TaSi2 was beneficial to promote the sintering of the coating at high temperature, improve the density of the coating surface, and prevent the heat from entering the fiber matrix. When the mass ratio of the emittance was TaSi2:SiC=3:1, the tensile strength of the T3S1-coated fiber fabric after heat treatment at 1100°C was about 85 MPa, 19% higher than that of the fiber bare fabric under the same condition. In addition, a synergistic mechanism between TaSi2 and SiC was formed in the coating, which promoted the infrared absorption of the short-wave band, and significantly improved the emissivity of the fiber fabric at 2~6 μm short wavelength range. The emissivity of the fiber fabric with T3S1 double-component coating was up to 0.955 in this wavelength range.
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