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Preparation and Properties of SiC/Al2O3-SiC ceramic matrix composite by Alumina Slurry Prepreg Combined with PIP Process
中文关键词:  氧化铝  料浆结合PIP  碳化硅纤维  陶瓷基复合材料
英文关键词:Alumina  Slurry prepreg combined with PIP process  Silicon carbide fiber  Ceramic matrix composite
梁艳媛,刘青铜,邱海鹏,马新,王岭,陈明伟,谢巍杰,严蛟 中国航空制造技术研究院 复合材料技术中心北京 101300 
摘要点击次数: 1418
全文下载次数: 1174
      Continuous silicon carbide fiber reinforced silicon carbide ceramic matrix composite (SiC/SiC) have the advantages of low density, high temperature resistance, low tritium permeability and excellent irradiation stability, and have broad application prospects in aviation, aerospace, nuclear energy and other fields. This article focuses on the problems of long cycle, high porosity, and easy oxidation of SiC/SiC composite materials prepared by PIP process. Aluminum oxide ceramics are introduced into the matrix through slurry pre-impregnation process to form SiC/Al2O3-SiC composite matrix composite materials. The preparation process, microstructure, and mechanical properties of the composite materials are systematically characterized. The analysis results show that the preparation period of SiC/Al2O3-SiC composite is significantly shorter than that of the traditional PIP process, and the porosity of the composite is significantly reduced from about 11.6% to 6%, the tensile strength is 316.5MPa, increased by 12.3%, and the bending strength is equivalent to that of SiC/SiC, but the interlaminar shear strength is lower, only 16.3MPa, which needs to be further improved.
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