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A Review on the Preparation of Nanocomposite Oxide Ceramics by Solid State Phase Transformation Method
中文关键词:  氧化物陶瓷  纳米复合  固态相变  非晶晶化  固溶体分解
英文关键词:Oxide ceramics  Nanocomposite  Solid state phase transformation  Amorphous crystallization  Solid solution decomposition
杨倩1,郑永挺2,吴事江2,郁万军3,汪洋1,于永东1,刘福田1 1济南大学 材料科学与工程学院济南 250000 2哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院哈尔滨 150000 3烟台大学 环境与材料工程学院山东 烟台 264000 
摘要点击次数: 1661
全文下载次数: 1230
      Oxide ceramics are the most widely used and most productive ceramic materials with high mechanical strength, electrical insulation performance, chemical stability, etc. They are widely used in aerospace, military defense, industrial production and other fields. However, the brittleness of oxide ceramics seriously restricts its wider application in cutting-edge fields. In order to solve this problem, scholars both domestically and internationally have begun to explore the solid state phase transition method for preparing fine nanostructured oxide composite ceramics in recent decades. They constructed the nano/submicron/micron scale structure of nanocomposite oxide ceramics by solid state phase transformation to improve their mechanical properties. This paper systematically reviews the effects of solid state phase transition method on the microstructure and properties of nanocomposite oxide ceramics, aiming to elucidate their related principles and processes, and provide references for the preparation of high-performance nanocomposite oxide ceramics.
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