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Research Progress in the Preparation of Aluminum Nitride Powders
中文关键词:  氮化铝  粉体工程  高性能  合成
英文关键词:Aluminium nitride  Powders engineering  High performance  Synthesis
冯关正1,3,周有福1,2,许文涛1,2,李亚男1,2 1中国科学院福建物质结构研究所福州350002 2闽都创新实验室福州350108 3中国科学院大学北京100039 
摘要点击次数: 1490
全文下载次数: 1490
      The development of miniaturization, lightness, high integration and high power of electronic technology has put forward new requirements for substrate and packaging materials. Aluminum nitride ceramics possess intriguing properties, such as high thermal conductivity, insulation and thermal expansion coefficient being similar to semiconductor silicon, high mechanical strength, good chemical stability and non-toxic, have a good prospect as ideal substrate materials. The preparation of high quality aluminum nitride powder is the key to synthesize high quality aluminum nitride ceramics. In this paper, the traditional methods of micrometer aluminum nitride powder preparation and the new technologies and methods of aluminum nitride nanopowder preparation are introduced, and the research direction and development trend of aluminum nitride powder preparation are prospected.
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