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中文关键词:  MgAl2O4透明陶瓷  粉体合成  烧结工艺  光学性能  工艺-结构-性能关系
英文关键词:MgAl2O4 transparent ceramics  Powder synthesis Sintering method  Optical property  Process-structure-performance relationship
王康1,田洪翼1,杨威2,梁依1,王海龙1,张锐1,安立楠1,邵刚1 1郑州大学 材料科学与工程学院郑州 450001 2郑州磨料磨具磨削研究所有限公司郑州 450001 
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全文下载次数: 1055
      High-performance transparent ceramics are one of the most important optical materials for extreme environments applications, which possess both the excellent thermal mechanical properties (high temperature stability, corrosion resistance, high insulation and high strength) of ceramics and unique optical properties of glass materials. As a typical transparent ceramic material, magnesium-aluminum (Mg-Al) spinel ceramics have the excellent properties of cubic isotropy, low density, high melting point, high hardness, high resistance, low thermal expansion, high thermal shock resistance, corrosion resistance, high strength, high temperature stability and near-ultraviolet to mid-infrared light transmission. Therefore, Mg-Al spinel transparent ceramics could be used as infrared guidance windows, fairings of high Mach aircraft, transparent armor and optoelectronic devices, which are highly favored in the fields of national defense and military, aerospace, laser lighting, medical devices, etc. With a long research history and improvement of Mg-Al spinel powder synthesis and sintering technology, a great breakthrough on strength, purity, density and optical properties of Mg-Al spinel transparent ceramic has been made. However, it’s still a challenge to prepare high-performance Mg-Al spinel transparent ceramics due to the eliminate light scattering sites and complicated process dependent parameters. Therefore, in this review, the synthesis of raw material, sintering/densification techniques and the structure, property evolution of Mg-Al spinel transparent ceramics will be discussed systematically, in order to reveal the raw material-process-structure-property relationship. The key problems and possible solutions for preparing high-performance Mg-Al spinel transparent ceramics are illustrated too.
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