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Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics
中文关键词:  3D打印  增材制造  陶瓷
英文关键词:3D printing  Additive manufacturing  Ceramics
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (51323007);陕西省科技项目 (2016KTZDGY07-01,2016GY-201);广东省科技项目 (2016B090915002)。
连 芩 西安交通大学 制造系统工程国家重点实验室西安710054 
武向权 西安交通大学 制造系统工程国家重点实验室西安710054 
田小永 西安交通大学 制造系统工程国家重点实验室西安710054 
李涤尘 西安交通大学 制造系统工程国家重点实验室西安710054 
摘要点击次数: 8939
全文下载次数: 3192
      The brittleness and high hardness of ceramics pose a challenge for conventional forming method to manufacturing complex shape and structure ceramics. Additive manufacturing technology has the advantage and potential to meet the need of rapid manufacturing of customized complex and high-performance ceramics. In this paper, the methods and research progresses of some additive manufacturing techniques, including three-dimensional printing, direct inkjet printing, selective laser sintering/ melting, laminated object manufacturing, extrusion freeforming, stereolithography, are reviewed. Additive manufacturing of ceramics has applied into conventional industrial manufacturing process and biomedical field, such as biodegradable, regenerative bio ceramic implant. The high-performance function ceramics manufactured by additive manufacturing also widen the range of application of engineering ceramics. The additive manufacturing technologies of ceramics are still facing the problems of materials choosing, hard to printing large scale, high density, and high complex ceramic parts. These problems are the main research topics in the future.
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