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State of Art: Applications of Spark Plasma Sintering Technique in Ceramic Fabrications
中文关键词:  放电等离子烧结  工艺参数  密实化机理  微观结构均匀化
英文关键词:Spark plasma sintering (SPS)  Processing parameters  Densification mechanism  Microstructural refinement
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (No. 51402097)
熊 焰 湖北工业大学材料科学与工程学院武汉430068 
刘 冲 湖北工业大学材料科学与工程学院武汉430068 
摘要点击次数: 6648
全文下载次数: 4058
      放电等离子烧结 (SPS) 作为一种先进的材料制备技术,与传统烧结方法相比,在材料制备效率及所制备的材料的性能方面都有明显的提高,因而引起了世界范围的关注与深入研究。基于相关文献报道,本文针对SPS技术在陶瓷材料中应用中的若干基础问题进行了评述,分别就陶瓷SPS过程中的等离子放电现象、温度与温度场分布、电流电场的促进作用、升温制度选择与设置、压力的作用与使用、模具的设计与开发等控制参数对材料烧结行为、微观结构与宏观性能的影响进行了讨论,并简要介绍了纳米陶瓷SPS过程中微观结构自发均匀化现象。
      The advanced spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique has attracted worldwide attentions and extensive investigations due to the formidable enhancement in the material properties as well as the fabrication efficiency compared with those counterparts by conventional sintering methods. Based on the reported observations in literatures, this review focuses on the fundamental aspects of the applications of SPS technique in ceramic materials. The correlations of sintering behaviors, microstructural development and final properties are discussed by identifying the intrinsic benefits from spark plasma, electric field, temperature and temperature distribution, heating regimes, application of external force and developing of mold design. The phenomena of spontaneous microstructural refinement in spark plasma sintering nanocermics are briefly introduced as well.
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