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Effects on Ti2AlN Porous Ceramic Hanging Pulp Amount of Polyurethane Sponge Surface Modification
中文关键词:  聚氨酯海绵  多孔陶瓷  有机泡沫浸渍法  Ti2AlN 表面改性
英文关键词:Polymeric sponge  porous ceramics  Organic foam impregnation process  Ti2AlN surface modification
王刚 湖北工业大学武汉430068武汉生物工程学院武汉430415 
何雄 湖北工业大学武汉430068武汉理工大学武汉430070 
杨熠 湖北工业大学武汉430068 
尚珊珊 湖北工业大学武汉430068 
严明 湖北工业大学武汉430068 
摘要点击次数: 6709
全文下载次数: 2345
      Ti2AlN porous ceramics had been prepared by using organic foam impregnation process, and studied the polyurethane sponge surface modification affecting the quantities of hanging ceramic slurry. After pretreatment by different concentrations of NaOH sponge weight gain, body blocking rate analysis showed the best of the concentration of 15% NaOH to polyurethane sponge hang pulp quantities. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the study found the polyurethane sponge soaked with 15% NaOH solution after 4 hours, then used carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) pretreatment for 24 hours, sponge hang pulp effect was the best.
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