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Focus on Ceramic Materials in the Automotive Technology of Thermal Spraying
中文关键词:  陶瓷材料  汽车应用  热喷涂技术  工艺性能
英文关键词:ceramic materials  automotive applications  thermal spray technology  process performance
肖九梅 湖北武汉化工材料公司,武汉 430055 
摘要点击次数: 6542
全文下载次数: 5068
      Thermal spraying is a ceramic material with a wide range of practical new surface treatment and surface hardening of expertise, with many metallic materials can not match the excellent performance, so the rapid development in many areas, an increasingly important role played . Has been in the automotive and other successful applications in many areas, and its technology development has a very broad prospects. Spraying of ceramic materials for new technologies expose Tau Kok, introduced ceramic thermal spray coating technology and its technical characteristics of a new nano-ceramic coating ceramic coating and the performance of the thermal spraying process types, characteristics and scope, while that the ceramic thermal spray technology in the car on the application.
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